Pick up any research or study, and one thing will be for certain: porn and marriage don’t exactly go hand in hand. While we’re quick to brush these studies that propping up aside every now and then, have you ever considered the effect porn use has on a relationship? Porn and Marriage in the Digital Age With the onset …
Why Do I Watch Porn?
If you’re wondering ‘why I watch porn’, don’t stress yourself out too much. You’re not the only one. All across the world, millions of people indulge in pornography usage. In fact, 28,258 users are watching porn every second. But this alarming statistic brings us back to the concerning question, why do people watch porn? A survey conducted in Denmark …
Identifying Personal Triggers for Watching Porn
Studies show that 1 in 25 adults are afflicted with compulsive sexual behaviour. If we analyse this term, we’d be forced to think, what exactly is compulsive sexual behaviour? It is characterized by an obsession with sexual thoughts and an urge to indulge them, which they can’t control. This is why it is called sex addiction. While some argue …