Porn Addiction
Porn has been a part of human sexual exploration for thousands of years. Humans unique ability to project themselves into situations that they are observing, but not physically participating in, has given pornography the platform it needs to evolve. From fantasizing over stone statues in Ancient Greece to today’s high-speed internet porn which allows 20 tabs open on your screen, each with a different porn star in a different scenario fulfilling any fetish you may think of.
Studies Have Suggested
The Impact Porn Has
A porn addict may choose to view porn and masturbate instead of having sexual relations with their partner.
Am I Addicted to porn?
Why are so many people addicted to porn?
This has been important for our survival as a species for thousands of years. Dopamine is responsible for making us want to build shelters for protection, desire sexual mates for reproduction and seek food sources to sustain us. Elevated levels of Dopamine can feel pleasurable and exciting.
Here are some experiments that have been conducted where animals have chosen to mate with artificial stimulus instead of a real mate.
This might all seem a bit out there, but is trying to mate with a beer bottle any different from trying to mate with a computer screen?
More Reasons Why Porn Is so Addictive
Porn use is unique and potentially more damaging, as:
The Good News Is!
How we can help