About Us

"A non-judgmental counselling service designed specifically to help you tackle your pornography addiction and take back control over all aspects of your life"

Providing The Porn Addiction Help You Need

Our porn addiction counselling service aims to help individuals break free from porn addiction and regain control of their lives. Drawing on our counsellor's expertise in this field, we work together with clients to remove obstacles while exploring healthy alternatives to porn use. Our approach is rooted in research and evidence-based strategies backed by science.
We provide one-on-one support tailored to the individual's unique needs and life circumstances so that porn addiction help can be more effective. We believe that all individuals have the capacity for growth, when given the right resources and guidance. We strive for holistic and long-lasting recovery for those seeking porn addiction help, so that they can live a fulfilling life without porn's harmful hold over them.

More On Porn

In recent years, “officially” the world’s population with a porn addiction has increased from 3-5% to 5-8%. The easy accessibility of the internet and the rapid rise of pornography sites have led to this surge. The overwhelming evidence actually suggests the real percentage is much larger. Pornography addiction remains underreported due to a lack of a classification of what pornography addiction is. The real impact is huge, and the number of people’s lives negatively affected by porn is increasing.
Porn addiction is when a person becomes overly reliant on porn use and consumption, so much so that it affects their day-to-day functioning. While it is not officially recognized as a psychological disorder yet, the staggering numbers mandate the need for professional intervention. We are here to provide that.

Is Porn Addictive?

Porn addiction is a form of compulsive sexual behaviour that becomes the focal point of the affected person’s life. As a result, it adversely affects a person’s work and relationships, and they start ignoring their responsibilities, interests, and personal care.
In most cases, pornography addicts report a lower sex drive as people harbour unrealistic expectations of sex, ultimately creating issues among couples. Seemingly harmless porn usage becomes a vicious cycle with ripple effects that affect all aspects of a person’s life-physical, emotional and sexual.
While watching porn itself may not be a problem, we often don't realise when it spirals into a full-fledged addiction. Porn has such a stimulating and powerful effect on the brain that every time we watch porn, it activates the brain's reward circuit releasing unnaturally large doses of dopamine.
Over time, the brain develops a high tolerance to this dopamine. The brain then demands more extreme or intense pornographic content to produce the same effect. This tendency may increase dependency on more extreme porn, which can escalate problems.

When To Get Porn Addiction Help

Often, we don’t realise we are addicted to porn; other times, we don’t feel comfortable talking to friends and family about it. We understand. Porn addiction is a complex and gradually evolving problem that needs a specialised, forward-thinking service such as Helphub Counselling.
We are a platform specifically dedicated to porn addiction counselling. Here, you can discuss what you feel without inhibitions or fear of judgement.
Here are a few signs that you need porn addiction help:
• You feel unable to stop watching porn
• You spend large amounts of time on porn websites
• Your threshold for pornographic content is becoming more intense or graphic
• You have lost interest in real sex
• You have lost interest in activities, work and social commitments
• You experience physical pain like headaches, neck aches, and back aches due to excess screen exposure
• You feel irritable or easily agitated

Complete Porn Addiction Treatment

Porn addiction is like any other psychological addiction. It affects the brain. Porn addiction coaches without any official training or formal qualification cannot understand the underlying causes that fuel this addiction. Our counsellor is fully qualified with a singular goal to provide the best service using a combination of researched techniques and expert knowledge.
Our porn addiction treatment plan is tailored to every client, but we use a combination of the following:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that addresses emotions and how we react to them. Our counsellor understands that negative thoughts cause such reactions, i.e., resorting to porn to overcome or temporarily suppress such feelings. CBT helps rewire the brain, alter thinking patterns and adopt healthier, more productive coping mechanisms.
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is an evidence-based therapy focused on the patient’s positives instead of their shortcomings. This treatment helps the client use their strengths and achieve their future goals to ensure porn addiction sustainable recovery, not just temporary sobriety.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a mindful psychotherapy that helps people accept they have a problem-porn addiction and then focus on treating this through commitment action instead of remaining in denial.

Why Us?

At Helphub Counselling, we are committed to long-term recovery, not just sobriety. Our treatment considers all aspects of the client’s life, building solid foundations to hold the change in place. We don’t focus our efforts on avoiding the behaviours. Instead, our expert counsellor will spot underlying issues that keep a person’s porn addiction in place and works on treating them to minimize the chances of a relapse.
We strive to bring you comfort and convenience every step of the way. If you don’t feel comfortable going for therapy, we offer privacy through online sessions via zoom. Unlike other porn addiction recovery services, there is no considerable upfront cost to use our service. You can book each session in your own time as you progress through treatment.

A Message From Your Counsellor

If you're struggling with porn addiction we can help. Click the button below to book a session with your porn addiction counsellor today.
Or get in touch via the form below for more information.


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