If you’re wondering ‘why I watch porn’, don’t stress yourself out too much. You’re not the only one. All across the world, millions of people indulge in pornography usage. In fact, 28,258 users are watching porn every second. But this alarming statistic brings us back to the concerning question, why do people watch porn?
A survey conducted in Denmark sheds light on some of the reasons people watch porn, which we will analyze in detail below.
In this article, we will walk you through reasons you (and others) may be watching pornographic content.
Sexual Exploration
Sex is a basic human need and is heralded as a physiological need in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Sexual behaviors have evolved over time. While it was once targeted primarily towards reproduction, several physiological structures have emerged, broadening the horizons of sexual tendencies.
Exploring sexual tendencies is normal human behavior, and these emotions are often mediated by the brain and spinal cord. The limbic system, which is found on the upper end of the spinal cord, is responsible for regulating these emotions.
The cerebral cortex is linked to the limbic system and is responsible for fantasy and thinking. This plays an integral role in sexual emotions, i.e. exploring what arouses or stimulates us. Eternal factors like exposure have made people more prone to exploring their sexual needs or ‘stimulants.’ While this is perfectly normal, porn use can quickly spiral into full-fledged porn addiction, which can be dangerous.
What are some of the other contributing factors to porn usage?
With so much to do in today’s day and age, people aren’t ready to accept a normal state of mind like boredom. Research shows that boredom leads to behaviors like risky sex, drinking and gambling, anything which breaks this cycle. People have become so impatient that they consider boredom a bad thing when psychologists state that it’s actually not bad!
In fact, two thirds of men and a quarter of women would prefer taking electric shocks rather than sit along with their thoughts for even 15 minutes! This can also be attributed to the increasing number of mental health issues, anxiety and depression.
To escape boredom, people strive to engage in satisfying activities and watching porn falls in that category. People often watch porn before they sleep at night in an attempt to divert their minds.
While sex education is a good thing that needs to be taught, it also spikes curiosity. Adolescents who learn about sex want to know what it is, and due to hesitation of asking others, they self-help themselves and start viewing porn.
The internet is a goldmine for pornographic content, and there is nothing that you can’t find there. A survey revealed that 60% of students turned to porn to acquire information about sex. However, the problem is when this becomes a habit, which escalates into porn addiction at this vulnerable age.
No matter what the reason behind watching porn may be, it is never a healthy solution. It can momentarily dissolve your loneliness and distract you from the realities of life, but it can become addictive. If you see signs of porn addiction in yourself or a close friend or family member, you should seek timely professional help from porn addiction.
Need Porn Addiction Help?
If you’re struggling with porn addiction, we can help.
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